List of 150 Computer Attacks – Explained!


As individuals, organizations, and nations become increasingly dependent on digital systems, the need to safeguard our sensitive data, privacy, and infrastructure from malicious actors has never been more critical.

At the heart of this cyber battlefield lies a myriad of computer attacks, each designed with the intent to exploit vulnerabilities, compromise systems, and wreak havoc on our digital existence. Understanding the landscape of computer attacks is vital for anyone seeking to navigate the complex realm of cybersecurity, whether as a professional defender or an informed user.

This article aims to shed light on the diverse range of computer attacks, exploring their underlying principles, tactics, and potential ramifications. By delving into the depths of this subject, we hope to equip readers with the knowledge necessary to identify and mitigate threats, fortifying their digital fortresses against the ever-present dangers lurking in the digital domain.

As we embark on this journey, it is essential to emphasize that computer attacks come in various forms, leveraging a multitude of techniques and strategies. Some attacks exploit technical vulnerabilities in software or hardware, while others target human weaknesses through social engineering and deception. From the seemingly innocuous phishing emails to the sophisticated Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) orchestrated by state-sponsored actors, the methods employed by attackers continue to evolve, necessitating constant vigilance and adaptation.

Throughout this article, we will explore the broad categories of computer attacks, ranging from network-based assaults to social engineering ploys, and everything in between. Each attack represents a distinct threat vector, with its own unique modus operandi, objectives, and potential impact.

By examining these attacks holistically, we hope to foster a deeper understanding of the motivations and techniques employed by those seeking to exploit vulnerabilities in our digital ecosystems. Armed with this knowledge, individuals and organizations can better anticipate, detect, and defend against the ever-evolving threat landscape, safeguarding their data, privacy, and digital assets.

So, join us as we embark on this exploration of computer attacks, aiming to demystify the dark recesses of the cyber realm, and empower ourselves with the knowledge necessary to navigate this intricate and ever-changing landscape of digital threats. Together, let us strive to build a more secure and resilient digital future.

List of computer attacks

Attack Name Explanation
1. Phishing Phishing is a deceptive technique where attackers impersonate legitimate entities through emails or websites to trick users into revealing sensitive information.
2. Malware Malware refers to malicious software designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to computer systems. It includes viruses, worms, Trojans, ransomware, and spyware.
3. Denial of Service Denial of Service (DoS) attacks overload a system with excessive requests, making it unable to serve legitimate users, thereby causing disruption or downtime.
4. Man-in-the-Middle In this attack, an attacker intercepts and relays communications between two parties without their knowledge, allowing them to eavesdrop or alter the information exchanged.
5. SQL Injection SQL Injection involves inserting malicious SQL code into a vulnerable website or application to manipulate the database and gain unauthorized access to sensitive information.
6. Cross-Site Scripting Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) involves injecting malicious scripts into web pages viewed by unsuspecting users, enabling attackers to steal data or gain control of user sessions.
7. Ransomware Ransomware encrypts a victim’s files and demands a ransom in exchange for the decryption key, often resulting in data loss or financial extortion.
8. Social Engineering Social engineering relies on psychological manipulation to deceive individuals into revealing confidential information or performing actions that benefit the attacker.
9. Trojan Horse Trojan Horses are disguised as legitimate software but contain hidden malicious functionality, allowing attackers to gain unauthorized access or control over a system.
10. Botnets Botnets are networks of infected computers controlled by a central command, used for various purposes such as launching DDoS attacks, sending spam, or conducting large-scale fraud.
11. Keylogger Keyloggers record keystrokes on a compromised system, allowing attackers to capture sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, or other confidential data.
12. Zero-day Exploit Zero-day exploits target vulnerabilities unknown to software developers, giving attackers the advantage of launching attacks before patches or defenses are available.
13. DNS Spoofing DNS Spoofing manipulates the Domain Name System (DNS) to redirect users to malicious websites, intercept communication, or perform phishing attacks.
14. Brute Force Attack Brute force attacks involve systematically attempting all possible combinations of passwords until the correct one is found, relying on the attacker’s computational power.
15. Eavesdropping Eavesdropping involves intercepting and listening to network communications to gather sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or other confidential data.
16. Logic Bomb A logic bomb is a piece of code that lies dormant until triggered by a specific event or condition. Once triggered, it executes malicious actions, such as deleting files or causing system failures.
17. Pharming Pharming redirects website traffic to fraudulent websites without the user’s knowledge or consent, aiming to collect sensitive information or deliver malware.
18. Cryptojacking Cryptojacking involves hijacking a victim’s computing resources to mine cryptocurrencies without their knowledge or consent, potentially slowing down systems and increasing energy consumption.
19. Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) APTs are long-term targeted attacks conducted by skilled and well-resourced adversaries, typically aiming to gain persistent access to sensitive information or control over systems.
20. Spear Phishing Spear phishing is a targeted phishing attack that tailors messages to specific individuals or groups, increasing the chances of success by personalizing the content and using social engineering techniques.
21. Watering Hole Attack Watering hole attacks compromise websites frequently visited by a particular group, infecting their systems with malware, and exploiting their trust in the compromised sites.
22. Password Cracking Password cracking involves using various techniques, such as dictionary attacks or brute force, to determine a user’s password, potentially leading to unauthorized access to their accounts.
23. Wi-Fi Eavesdropping Wi-Fi eavesdropping exploits insecure Wi-Fi networks to intercept and capture network traffic, enabling attackers to view sensitive information exchanged between users.
24. DDoS Amplification DDoS amplification attacks use vulnerable servers or services to magnify the volume of traffic sent to the target, overwhelming their resources and causing disruption or downtime.
25. Rootkit Rootkits are stealthy malware that provides privileged access and control over a computer system, allowing attackers to maintain persistence and evade detection.
26. Smishing Smishing is a form of phishing that uses SMS or text messages to deceive recipients into clicking on malicious links or providing personal information via phone-based attacks.
27. Fileless Malware Fileless malware operates in computer memory, leaving no trace on disk, making it difficult to detect using traditional antivirus tools. It uses legitimate system processes to execute malicious actions.
28. DNS Tunneling DNS tunneling exploits the DNS protocol to bypass network security measures, allowing attackers to exfiltrate data or establish covert communication channels outside the network’s visibility.
29. IoT Botnets IoT botnets target vulnerable Internet of Things (IoT) devices, such as smart cameras or routers, compromising them to perform coordinated attacks or participate in larger botnet networks.
30. Session Hijacking Session hijacking involves stealing or impersonating a user’s session ID to gain unauthorized access to a system or application, bypassing authentication mechanisms.
31. Malvertising Malvertising delivers malicious advertisements, often on legitimate websites, exploiting vulnerabilities in ad networks or browsers to distribute malware or redirect users to malicious websites.
32. Cross-Site Request Forgery Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) tricks users into executing unwanted actions on authenticated websites without their knowledge or consent, often leading to unauthorized operations.
33. File Inclusion Vulnerability File inclusion vulnerabilities allow attackers to include remote files, potentially executing malicious code or accessing sensitive data through web applications.
34. Advanced Evasion Techniques Advanced Evasion Techniques (AETs) manipulate network traffic to bypass intrusion detection and prevention systems, enabling attackers to deliver malicious payloads or hide their activities.
35. Steganography Steganography hides sensitive data within innocuous-looking files or media, making it difficult to detect or analyze, enabling covert communication or smuggling information past security measures.
36. Web Application Firewall Bypass Attackers attempt to bypass Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) by circumventing their security rules or exploiting vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access or perform other malicious actions.
37. Crypto-Mining Malware Crypto-mining malware infects systems to mine cryptocurrencies without the owner’s consent, exploiting their computational resources, and potentially causing performance degradation.
38. Clickjacking Clickjacking overlays deceptive elements on legitimate websites, tricking users into clicking on hidden buttons or links that perform unintended actions, potentially leading to information theft or fraud.
39. Typosquatting Typosquatting relies on registering domain names similar to popular websites but with slight typographical errors, aiming to deceive users who mistype the intended website’s address and exposing them to attacks.
40. DLL Injection DLL Injection injects malicious dynamic link libraries (DLLs) into legitimate processes, allowing attackers to execute unauthorized code, escalate privileges, or gain control over a compromised system.
41. Firewall Evasion Firewall evasion techniques exploit vulnerabilities or weaknesses in firewall configurations to bypass or disable them, allowing unauthorized access or hiding malicious activities.
42. Password Sniffing Password sniffing involves capturing and analyzing network traffic to intercept usernames and passwords, often exploiting unencrypted protocols or weak security configurations.
43. Malware Obfuscation Malware obfuscation techniques alter the code or structure of malware to make it more challenging to analyze or detect by security solutions, helping attackers evade detection and prolong their malicious activities.
44. Drive-by Downloads Drive-by downloads occur when users unintentionally download malware or malicious code by visiting compromised websites or clicking on malicious links, often exploiting vulnerabilities in web browsers or plugins.
45. Logic Flaws Logic flaws are vulnerabilities resulting from flawed design or implementation in software applications, allowing attackers to manipulate the intended logic and perform unauthorized actions or gain elevated privileges.
46. Reverse Engineering Reverse engineering involves analyzing software or hardware to understand its inner workings or extract valuable information, often used by attackers to discover vulnerabilities or bypass security mechanisms.
47. Bluetooth Hacking Bluetooth hacking exploits vulnerabilities in Bluetooth-enabled devices to gain unauthorized access, steal information, or perform unauthorized operations on the compromised devices.
48. Supply Chain Attacks Supply chain attacks compromise trusted software or hardware suppliers, exploiting their access to deliver malware-infected updates or compromise the integrity of products, potentially affecting numerous users.
49. SQL Database Exploitation SQL database exploitation targets vulnerabilities in database management systems to execute unauthorized SQL queries, potentially exposing or modifying sensitive data stored in the databases.
50. Covert Channels Covert channels establish hidden communication paths between systems, bypassing normal security measures, and allowing unauthorized data transfer or command execution, often using seemingly innocuous protocols or methods.
Attack Name Explanation
51. Insider Threat Insider threats involve individuals within an organization who misuse their access privileges to steal sensitive information, sabotage systems, or cause harm to the organization from within.
52. Evil Twin Attack An evil twin attack sets up a rogue wireless access point that mimics a legitimate network, tricking users into connecting to it, allowing attackers to intercept their traffic or gain unauthorized access.
53. Sandbox Evasion Sandbox evasion techniques modify malware behavior to evade detection within a sandbox environment, where malware is typically analyzed and monitored, making it difficult for security solutions to detect it.
54. Voice Command Injection Voice command injection attacks exploit vulnerabilities in voice-controlled systems, allowing attackers to inject and execute unauthorized voice commands, potentially gaining control over the targeted system.
55. Car Hacking Car hacking involves exploiting vulnerabilities in a vehicle’s electronic systems, such as infotainment systems or telematics, to gain unauthorized access, manipulate vehicle functions, or compromise driver safety.
56. Firmware Attacks Firmware attacks target the low-level software installed on hardware devices, such as routers or IoT devices, aiming to exploit vulnerabilities, modify firmware, or gain persistent control over the compromised device.
57. Printer Vulnerabilities Printer vulnerabilities exploit security weaknesses in network printers, allowing attackers to gain unauthorized access to the device, intercept printed documents, or use it as a launching pad for further attacks.
58. Crypto-Ransomware Crypto-ransomware encrypts not only files on a victim’s system but also their cryptographic keys, making it almost impossible to recover data without paying the ransom or having proper backups in place.
59. Man-in-the-Cloud Man-in-the-cloud attacks target cloud storage services by compromising user accounts or hijacking synchronization tokens, giving attackers unauthorized access to stored data or the ability to manipulate it.
60. GPS Spoofing GPS spoofing involves manipulating GPS signals to provide false location information, leading to inaccurate positioning data, disrupting navigation systems, or tricking users into following incorrect directions.
61. Printer Spooler Exploit Printer spooler exploit abuses vulnerabilities in the Windows printer spooler service, allowing attackers to execute arbitrary code, gain remote access, or escalate privileges on targeted systems.
62. Firmware Rootkits Firmware rootkits modify the firmware of devices to gain control over the entire system, allowing attackers to hide their presence, persist across reboots, and maintain control even if the operating system is reinstalled.
63. USBHarpoon USBHarpoon attacks involve modifying USB cables or chargers with embedded hardware to exploit vulnerabilities in connected devices, enabling unauthorized access, data exfiltration, or remote control of the compromised system.
64. Voice Assistant Exploitation Voice assistant exploitation leverages vulnerabilities in voice-activated devices, such as smart speakers, to eavesdrop on conversations, access personal information, or perform unauthorized actions.
65. Bluetooth Sniffing Bluetooth sniffing intercepts and captures Bluetooth traffic, allowing attackers to extract sensitive information, such as audio, files, or credentials, exchanged between devices using Bluetooth technology.
66. Screen Capture Malware Screen capture malware captures screenshots of a victim’s device without their knowledge, potentially exposing sensitive information, login credentials, or confidential data displayed on the screen.
67. RFID Cloning RFID cloning involves copying the information stored on RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) cards or tags to create counterfeit versions, enabling attackers to gain unauthorized access or perform fraudulent activities.
68. DNSSEC Exploitation DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) exploitation attacks target weaknesses in DNSSEC implementations, potentially allowing attackers to tamper with DNS responses and redirect users to malicious websites.
69. QR Code Exploitation QR code exploitation exploits vulnerabilities in QR code scanning applications or the content behind QR codes, potentially leading to malicious actions, such as URL redirection, information theft, or malware installation.
70. Drone Hacking Drone hacking involves exploiting vulnerabilities in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to gain control over the drone’s flight, intercept its data or video feed, or use it as a platform for launching other types of attacks.
71. USBGuard Bypass USBGuard bypass techniques aim to circumvent USBGuard security measures, which restrict or control the use of USB devices on a system, allowing unauthorized USB devices to connect and potentially execute malicious actions.
72. Thermal Imaging Attacks Thermal imaging attacks use thermal cameras or sensors to capture the heat signatures emitted by computer systems, revealing sensitive information, such as PINs or passwords entered via keyboards or keypad-based devices.
73. IoT Firmware Tampering IoT firmware tampering involves modifying the firmware of IoT devices to change their behavior, gain unauthorized access, or use them as entry points for attacking other devices or the network they are connected to.
74. Screen Overlay Attacks Screen overlay attacks overlay fake or malicious elements on top of legitimate applications, tricking users into performing unintended actions or providing sensitive information, such as login credentials or payment details.
75. Quantum Cryptography Attacks Quantum cryptography attacks exploit vulnerabilities in quantum cryptographic systems or exploit implementation flaws to compromise the security and confidentiality of quantum communication protocols.
76. Deepfake Attacks Deepfake attacks utilize advanced artificial intelligence techniques to create highly realistic fake audio, video, or images, often used for disinformation campaigns, impersonation, or blackmail purposes.
77. CAN Bus Attacks CAN bus attacks target the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol used in vehicles to communicate between electronic systems, enabling attackers to manipulate or spoof messages, leading to vehicle malfunctions or compromise.
78. Voice Recognition Spoofing Voice recognition spoofing involves fooling voice recognition systems by playing pre-recorded or synthesized voice samples, bypassing authentication measures, and gaining unauthorized access to secured systems or data.
79. Side Channel Attacks Side channel attacks exploit information leaked during the physical implementation of cryptographic systems, such as analyzing power consumption or electromagnetic emissions, to extract sensitive information or keys.
80. Quantum Computing Attacks Quantum computing attacks leverage the computational power of quantum computers to break cryptographic algorithms that are currently considered secure against classical computing, potentially compromising data confidentiality.
81. Synthetic Identity Theft Synthetic identity theft involves creating fictional identities by combining real and fake information to deceive organizations and obtain credit, commit fraud, or conduct illicit activities while evading detection.
82. Power Analysis Attacks Power analysis attacks exploit power consumption variations during cryptographic operations to extract sensitive information, such as encryption keys, allowing attackers to compromise the security of the system.
83. Drone Surveillance Drone surveillance involves using unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with cameras or sensors to spy on individuals, organizations, or secure locations, potentially compromising privacy or gathering sensitive information.
84. RFID Skimming RFID skimming captures data from RFID cards or tags using specialized devices or modified readers, allowing attackers to steal personal information, credit card details, or gain unauthorized access to secured areas.
85. Voice Biometrics Spoofing Voice biometrics spoofing attacks aim to deceive voice biometric authentication systems by imitating or replicating the unique characteristics of an authorized user’s voice, enabling unauthorized access to secured systems.
86. Quantum Key Distribution Attacks Quantum key distribution attacks exploit vulnerabilities or weaknesses in quantum key distribution (QKD) systems to compromise the security of shared cryptographic keys used for secure communication.
87. AI-Powered Cyber Attacks AI-powered cyber attacks utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to automate and enhance the effectiveness of various attack methods, such as phishing, malware, or network intrusion.
88. Data Injection Attacks Data injection attacks involve inserting malicious or unauthorized data into databases, applications, or systems, potentially leading to data corruption, unauthorized access, or the manipulation of system behavior.
89. Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Attacks Vehicle-to-vehicle attacks exploit vulnerabilities in communication protocols used by vehicles to exchange information, potentially allowing attackers to interfere with vehicle communications or manipulate data.
90. Biohacking Biohacking involves exploiting vulnerabilities in biological systems, such as implantable medical devices or biometric identification systems, potentially compromising privacy, health, or physical security.
91. Hardware Trojans Hardware Trojans involve malicious modifications or additions to electronic hardware components during the manufacturing process, allowing attackers to gain unauthorized access or control over the compromised devices.
92. Quantum Cryptocurrency Attacks Quantum cryptocurrency attacks exploit the vulnerability of current cryptographic algorithms used in cryptocurrencies to break their security, potentially compromising transaction integrity and ownership verification.
93. Human Augmentation Exploitation Human augmentation exploitation attacks target vulnerabilities in augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) devices, potentially leading to privacy breaches, sensory manipulation, or unauthorized access to user information.
94. Hypervisor Attacks Hypervisor attacks exploit vulnerabilities in virtualization software or hypervisors to escape virtual machine boundaries, gain unauthorized access to other virtual machines or the host system, or compromise the entire virtualized environment.
95. Drone Payload Attacks Drone payload attacks involve modifying or adding malicious payloads, such as explosives or surveillance equipment, to drones, enabling attackers to perform physical damage, reconnaissance, or privacy invasion from the air.
96. Voice Assistant Eavesdropping Voice assistant eavesdropping leverages vulnerabilities in voice-activated devices, such as smart speakers, to listen and record audio without the user’s knowledge or consent, potentially violating privacy or confidentiality.
97. Blockchain 51% Attack A blockchain 51% attack occurs when a single entity or group controls more than 50% of a blockchain network’s computational power, allowing them to manipulate transactions, double-spend coins, or disrupt the blockchain’s integrity.
98. Neural Network Poisoning Neural network poisoning attacks manipulate training data or modify machine learning models’ inputs to introduce biased or incorrect behavior, potentially leading to incorrect predictions or unauthorized system manipulation.
99. Digital Watermarking Attacks Digital watermarking attacks aim to remove or alter digital watermarks embedded in multimedia content, such as images or videos, potentially enabling copyright infringement, content manipulation, or intellectual property theft.
100. Microarchitectural Attacks Microarchitectural attacks exploit vulnerabilities in a computer’s microarchitecture, such as Spectre or Meltdown, to extract sensitive information from the CPU cache, potentially compromising system security
101. Blockchain Sybil Attack A blockchain Sybil attack involves an attacker creating numerous fake identities or nodes in a decentralized network, aiming to gain control over the network or disrupt its operations by having a disproportionate influence.
102. Container Escape Container escape attacks exploit vulnerabilities in containerization technologies, such as Docker or Kubernetes, to break out of the isolated container environment and gain unauthorized access to the host system or other containers.
103. IoT Botnet Exploitation IoT botnet exploitation attacks target compromised IoT devices within a botnet network, allowing attackers to leverage their collective computing power for large-scale DDoS attacks, data exfiltration, or other malicious activities.
104. Supply Chain Firmware Attacks Supply chain firmware attacks compromise the integrity of firmware during the manufacturing process, injecting malicious code or modifying legitimate firmware to introduce backdoors, surveillance capabilities, or unauthorized access.
105. Rowhammer Attack A Rowhammer attack targets the physical vulnerability of dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) by repeatedly accessing specific memory rows, causing bit flips in adjacent rows, potentially leading to unauthorized data alteration or escalation of privileges.
106. Voice Assistant Deception Voice assistant deception attacks involve tricking voice-activated devices or virtual assistants into performing unintended actions by exploiting flaws in voice recognition or natural language processing algorithms.
107. Machine Learning Model Poisoning Machine learning model poisoning attacks aim to manipulate the training process by injecting malicious or misleading data, compromising the accuracy, integrity, or behavior of the trained model for malicious purposes or outcomes.
108. Spectre Variant Attacks Spectre variant attacks exploit vulnerabilities in speculative execution mechanisms found in modern processors, allowing attackers to access privileged memory or leak sensitive data across process boundaries.
109. Distributed Reflection DoS Distributed Reflection Denial of Service (DRDoS) attacks use reflection techniques, such as exploiting misconfigured servers or services, to amplify and redirect attack traffic towards a target, overwhelming its resources and causing disruption.
110. Adversarial Machine Learning Adversarial machine learning attacks aim to deceive or manipulate machine learning systems by crafting specially crafted input data, such as images or text, to exploit vulnerabilities or induce incorrect predictions by the model.
111. Process Hollowing Process hollowing attacks involve creating a new process in a suspended state and replacing its legitimate code with malicious code, allowing attackers to execute arbitrary actions or run malware while evading detection by security solutions.
112. HTTP Request Smuggling HTTP request smuggling attacks exploit inconsistencies between different systems or components involved in processing HTTP requests, allowing attackers to bypass security measures, perform unauthorized actions, or tamper with data.
113. Bluetooth Impersonation Attacks Bluetooth impersonation attacks involve masquerading as a trusted Bluetooth device to establish a connection with a target device, bypassing pairing or authentication mechanisms, potentially gaining unauthorized access or control over the target.
114. Data Diddling Data diddling attacks involve unauthorized manipulation or modification of data during its transmission or processing, aiming to deceive users, alter information, or compromise the integrity of data stored or exchanged within systems.
115. Memory Scraping Memory scraping attacks target the volatile memory of a system, searching for sensitive data, such as credit card numbers or passwords, that may be temporarily stored in plaintext or weakly encrypted forms during application execution.
116. CSRF with JSONP Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks with JSONP leverage JSONP (JSON with Padding) techniques to trick browsers into sending unauthorized requests to target websites, potentially leading to account compromise or unauthorized actions.
117. DNS Tunneling DNS tunneling attacks exploit the DNS protocol to bypass network security measures and exfiltrate data covertly, using DNS queries or responses to transmit unauthorized information or establish communication channels outside the network’s visibility.
118. AI-powered Social Engineering AI-powered social engineering attacks leverage artificial intelligence techniques to create highly realistic and targeted phishing or scam campaigns, enabling personalized and convincing messages to deceive individuals and bypass security measures.
119. Injection Flaws Injection flaws encompass various attack vectors, such as SQL injection, OS command injection, or LDAP injection, where attackers insert malicious code or commands into vulnerable applications, potentially compromising data or executing unauthorized actions.
120. WebSockets Hijacking WebSockets hijacking attacks exploit vulnerabilities in the WebSockets protocol to intercept or manipulate data exchanged between a web application and the server, potentially leading to information theft, session hijacking, or unauthorized actions.
121. Firmware Rollback Attacks Firmware rollback attacks target devices or systems with firmware update mechanisms vulnerable to downgrading, allowing attackers to install older firmware versions with known vulnerabilities and exploit them to gain unauthorized access or control.
122. Cellular Network Exploitation Cellular network exploitation attacks exploit vulnerabilities in mobile communication protocols, such as SS7 (Signaling System No. 7), to intercept calls, track user locations, or perform unauthorized actions on mobile devices connected to the network.
123. Hardware Keyloggers Hardware keyloggers are physical devices connected between a keyboard and a computer, secretly recording keystrokes, allowing attackers to capture sensitive information, passwords, or credentials entered by users without their knowledge.
124. Crypto Malware Crypto malware includes malicious software specifically designed to target cryptocurrencies, such as stealing wallets, manipulating transactions, or exploiting vulnerabilities in crypto mining software to divert mined funds to attackers’ accounts.
125. Typosquatting Domains Typosquatting domains involve registering domain names that are similar to popular websites but with slight typographical errors, aiming to deceive users who mistype the intended website’s address and expose them to phishing or malware attacks.
126. HID Attacks HID (Human Interface Device) attacks exploit vulnerabilities in input devices, such as USB keyboards or mice, to inject malicious commands or execute unauthorized actions on compromised systems, potentially bypassing security measures or restrictions.
127. Drone Signal Jamming Drone signal jamming disrupts or blocks the radio or GPS signals used for drone control, communication, or navigation, rendering the drone inoperable, potentially preventing surveillance, or mitigating threats posed by malicious drone usage.
128. USB Device Firmware Attacks USB device firmware attacks exploit vulnerabilities in the firmware of USB devices, such as USB drives or peripherals, to gain unauthorized access, execute malicious code, or exploit the host system’s vulnerabilities.
129. AI-driven Malware AI-driven malware employs artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to evolve, adapt, and evade traditional security measures, making detection and mitigation more challenging for conventional cybersecurity systems.
130. Wireless Mousejack Attacks Wireless mousejack attacks take advantage of vulnerabilities in wireless mouse communication protocols, allowing attackers to inject malicious commands or keystrokes into target systems, potentially compromising their security or privacy.
131. Industrial Control System Attacks Industrial Control System (ICS) attacks target critical infrastructure, such as power plants or manufacturing facilities, aiming to disrupt operations, manipulate processes, or cause physical damage through unauthorized access or control over ICS components.
132. Online Banking Trojans Online banking Trojans are specialized malware designed to steal banking credentials, such as usernames, passwords, or financial transaction data, typically by intercepting or manipulating online banking sessions on compromised devices.
133. Vehicle Key Fob Hacking Vehicle key fob hacking involves intercepting and replicating the signals emitted by key fobs to unlock or start vehicles remotely, potentially allowing unauthorized access or theft, bypassing the vehicle’s security measures.
134. Server-Side Template Injection Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) attacks exploit vulnerabilities in server-side template engines to execute arbitrary code, potentially leading to remote code execution, data leakage, or unauthorized access to sensitive information or systems.
135. Blockchain Eclipse Attack A blockchain eclipse attack involves isolating a target node in a blockchain network by controlling or manipulating its network connections, allowing attackers to control the information received by the node, potentially leading to double-spending or consensus disruption.
136. SIM Swapping SIM swapping involves social engineering or compromising telecom systems to transfer a victim’s mobile phone number to a new SIM card under the attacker’s control, enabling unauthorized access to the victim’s accounts or bypassing two-factor authentication.
137. Voice Assistant Denial of Service Voice assistant denial of service attacks flood voice recognition systems with a high volume of intentional noise or malicious requests, overwhelming the system’s resources, rendering it unresponsive, or disrupting its functionality for legitimate users.
138. Smart TV Remote Control Hijacking Smart TV remote control hijacking attacks exploit vulnerabilities in smart TV devices or their remote control protocols to gain unauthorized control over the TV, potentially allowing attackers to manipulate content, install malware, or invade user privacy.
139. Drones as Distributed Sensor Networks Drones used as distributed sensor networks collect data or signals in a coordinated manner, potentially invading privacy, capturing sensitive information, or enabling large-scale surveillance without the knowledge or consent of the subjects being monitored.
140. Exploit Kits Exploit kits are prepackaged toolkits that include various exploits targeting specific vulnerabilities in software or systems, simplifying the process for attackers to distribute malware, gain unauthorized access, or exploit known security weaknesses.
141. Malicious USB Charging Stations Malicious USB charging stations, commonly known as “juice jacking” attacks, exploit the trust users place in public charging stations to infect their devices with malware or steal data through USB connections while charging their devices.
142. In-memory Code Injection In-memory code injection attacks involve injecting and executing malicious code directly into a running process’s memory, bypassing traditional file-based detection mechanisms and allowing attackers to gain control or execute arbitrary actions.
143. Voice Assistant Evasion Attacks Voice assistant evasion attacks involve exploiting weaknesses in voice assistant security systems or the natural language processing capabilities to deceive or evade detection by voice-enabled devices, potentially leading to unauthorized actions or data breaches.
144. Deep Reinforcement Learning Attacks Deep reinforcement learning attacks leverage advanced AI algorithms to train agents that can exploit vulnerabilities or weaknesses in reinforcement learning systems, potentially leading to unauthorized access, manipulation, or disruption of learning processes.
145. AI-generated Spear Phishing AI-generated spear phishing attacks utilize machine learning algorithms to generate highly personalized and convincing phishing emails, imitating the writing style and behavior of specific individuals or trusted entities to deceive targeted recipients.
146. Browser Fingerprinting Browser fingerprinting techniques collect and analyze various attributes and settings of a user’s web browser to create a unique identifier or “fingerprint,” enabling tracking, profiling, or targeted advertising without the user’s knowledge or consent.
147. Synthetic Media Manipulation Synthetic media manipulation involves creating or altering digital media, such as images, videos, or audio recordings, using advanced AI techniques, potentially leading to the spread of fake news, misinformation, or the manipulation of public opinion.
148. Mobile App Overlay Attacks Mobile app overlay attacks exploit vulnerabilities in mobile apps to overlay malicious content or fake user interfaces on top of legitimate apps, tricking users into providing sensitive information or performing unintended actions without their knowledge.
149. Software Supply Chain Attacks Software supply chain attacks compromise the integrity of software during the development or distribution process, aiming to inject malicious code, backdoors, or vulnerabilities into software libraries, frameworks, or update mechanisms.
150. Quantum Network Attacks Quantum network attacks target vulnerabilities or exploit weaknesses in quantum communication systems, such as quantum key distribution (QKD) networks, potentially compromising the security, integrity, or privacy of quantum communications.
By Ephatech

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