List of 100 Computer Threats – Explained! [Complete List]

man sitting at laptop

In today’s interconnected world, where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. As we immerse ourselves further into the digital realm, an array of computer threats lurk in the shadows, posing risks to individuals, organizations, and even entire nations. Understanding these threats is crucial to fortify our defenses and safeguard our digital assets.

In this comprehensive article, we delve into the intricate landscape of computer threats and explore 100 distinct adversaries that challenge the security of our digital ecosystems. From well-known hazards to emerging perils, we shed light on their nature, characteristics, and potential consequences. Our goal is to empower readers with knowledge, enabling them to adopt proactive measures against these malicious forces.

Our journey begins by unearthing the sinister world of malware, encompassing viruses, worms, trojans, and ransomware. We unravel their modes of intrusion, destructive capabilities, and the devastating impact they can have on individuals and organizations alike. Delving deeper, we investigate the ever-evolving realm of social engineering, which capitalizes on human vulnerability to trick victims into divulging sensitive information or unwittingly granting unauthorized access.

As we proceed, we uncover the treacherous realm of network-based attacks, including DDoS assaults that cripple vital online services and phishing schemes that seek to deceive and manipulate unsuspecting users. We also explore the world of advanced persistent threats (APTs), where highly skilled adversaries persistently target specific organizations with sophisticated techniques, aiming to infiltrate their networks and compromise sensitive data.

Our exploration takes us to the realm of insider threats, where employees or trusted individuals may turn against their own organizations, either intentionally or unintentionally, jeopardizing critical systems and information. We examine the methods employed by these insiders and discuss preventive measures to mitigate such risks effectively.

In this article, we don’t stop at the familiar; we venture into the uncharted territories of emerging threats. We delve into AI-enhanced malware, exploring how artificial intelligence techniques enable adversaries to bypass traditional security measures. We navigate the landscape of deepfake attacks, where manipulated media threatens to erode trust and distort reality. We shine a light on the risks associated with IoT botnets, biometric data theft, and supply chain compromise, each presenting unique challenges that demand innovative security approaches.

Throughout this exploration, we emphasize the importance of adopting a holistic cybersecurity posture. We emphasize the significance of implementing robust security measures, leveraging cutting-edge technologies, and fostering a culture of awareness and preparedness. By staying informed, we can adapt our defenses to counter these ever-evolving threats and secure our digital environments effectively.

As we embark on this journey through 100 computer threats, we invite you to arm yourself with knowledge, not only to protect yourself but also to contribute to the collective effort of building a safer digital world. Together, we can forge a future where innovation thrives, privacy is respected, and our digital experiences remain secure.

List of computer threats

Threat Explanation
1. Malware Malware is a general term used to describe any malicious software designed to damage or disrupt computer systems. It includes viruses, worms, Trojans, ransomware, and spyware. Malware can steal sensitive information, corrupt files, slow down or crash systems, and even provide unauthorized access to hackers.
2. Phishing Phishing is a method used by cybercriminals to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, or credit card details. This is typically done through deceptive emails, messages, or websites that mimic legitimate entities like banks or social media platforms. Phishing attacks can lead to identity theft, financial losses, and unauthorized access to personal accounts.
3. Ransomware Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a victim’s files and demands a ransom payment, usually in cryptocurrency, to restore access. It often spreads through malicious email attachments, compromised websites, or network vulnerabilities. Ransomware attacks can cause significant data loss, financial harm, and disrupt business operations if critical systems are affected.
4. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) A DDoS attack floods a target server or network with a massive amount of traffic, overwhelming its resources and causing a denial of service to legitimate users. Attackers often use botnets, networks of compromised devices, to launch these attacks. DDoS attacks can render websites or online services inaccessible, resulting in financial losses, reputational damage, and disruption of normal operations.
5. Social Engineering Social engineering involves manipulating people to gain unauthorized access to information or systems. Attackers exploit human vulnerabilities through techniques like impersonation, pretexting, or baiting. By tricking individuals into revealing sensitive information or performing certain actions, social engineering can bypass technical security measures and lead to data breaches or unauthorized system access.
6. Zero-day Exploit A zero-day exploit targets software vulnerabilities that are unknown to the software vendor or have no available patches. Attackers exploit these vulnerabilities before a fix is developed, enabling them to gain unauthorized access, execute arbitrary code, or carry out other malicious activities. Zero-day exploits are particularly dangerous as there is no immediate defense against them.
7. Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) In a MitM attack, an attacker intercepts communication between two parties without their knowledge. By eavesdropping on the communication or altering it, the attacker can steal sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial details. MitM attacks commonly occur on unsecured public Wi-Fi networks or when attackers gain control over network infrastructure.
8. Keylogger A keylogger is a type of malware that records keystrokes made by a user on a compromised system. This allows attackers to capture sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or personal messages. Keyloggers can be installed through malicious downloads, infected websites, or physical access to a device. They pose a significant risk to personal privacy and online security.
9. Insider Threat An insider threat refers to an individual within an organization who misuses their authorized access to compromise security. This can include stealing sensitive data, leaking confidential information, or intentionally causing harm. Insider threats can be employees, contractors, or anyone with privileged access, making them difficult to detect and mitigate. Proper access controls and monitoring are crucial in preventing insider attacks.
10. SQL Injection SQL injection is a technique used to exploit vulnerabilities in a web application’s database layer. Attackers insert malicious SQL code into input fields, tricking the application into executing unintended database commands. Successful SQL injections can allow unauthorized access to databases, unauthorized data modifications, or the extraction of sensitive information. Regular code reviews and input validation can help prevent such attacks.
11. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Cross-Site Scripting involves injecting malicious scripts into web pages viewed by users. These scripts can execute on the victim’s browser, leading to unauthorized actions, data theft, or session hijacking. XSS attacks often exploit vulnerabilities in poorly validated user input or inadequate output encoding on websites. Website owners should implement proper input sanitization and output encoding to prevent XSS attacks.
12. Botnets A botnet is a network of compromised devices, often controlled by a central server or attacker. These devices, called bots, can be used to perform coordinated malicious activities, such as launching DDoS attacks, distributing spam emails, or carrying out large-scale attacks. Botnets are typically created by infecting devices with malware and can be challenging to dismantle due to their distributed nature. Protecting devices with up-to-date security software and practicing good cybersecurity hygiene can help prevent botnet infections.
13. Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) Advanced Persistent Threats are sophisticated and prolonged cyber attacks typically targeting specific organizations or individuals. APTs involve a combination of techniques, including social engineering, zero-day exploits, and stealthy malware. The objective is to gain persistent unauthorized access to the target’s network, monitor activities, and extract sensitive information over an extended period. Defending against APTs requires a multi-layered security approach, including network segmentation, regular monitoring, and advanced threat detection systems.
14. Drive-by Downloads Drive-by downloads occur when a user unknowingly downloads and installs malicious software while visiting a compromised website. These downloads often exploit vulnerabilities in web browsers or plugins. Drive-by downloads can result in malware infections, data theft, or unauthorized system access. Keeping software up to date, using reputable security software, and exercising caution when visiting unfamiliar websites can help mitigate the risk of drive-by downloads.
15. Cryptojacking Cryptojacking involves unauthorized use of a victim’s computing resources, such as processing power or electricity, to mine cryptocurrencies. Attackers achieve this by infecting devices with specialized malware or by injecting malicious scripts into websites. Cryptojacking can slow down systems, increase energy costs, and impact overall performance. Employing strong endpoint security solutions and regularly scanning for malware can help detect and prevent cryptojacking attacks.
16. Password Attacks Password attacks encompass various techniques used to gain unauthorized access to user accounts by exploiting weak passwords or vulnerabilities in password management systems. These attacks include brute-force attacks, dictionary attacks, and password cracking using advanced algorithms. To mitigate password attacks, users should employ strong, unique passwords and implement multi-factor authentication. Organizations should enforce password policies, employ password encryption, and monitor for suspicious activity related to authentication.
17. Wi-Fi Eavesdropping Wi-Fi eavesdropping, also known as Wi-Fi sniffing or wireless packet capture, involves intercepting and monitoring data transmitted over unsecured or poorly secured Wi-Fi networks. Attackers can capture sensitive information, such as login credentials, financial details, or personal communications. To protect against Wi-Fi eavesdropping, users should connect to secure Wi-Fi networks, utilize encryption protocols like WPA2 or WPA3, and consider using a virtual private network (VPN) for additional security.
18. Trojan Horses Trojan horses are deceptive programs that appear legitimate but contain hidden malicious functionality. They often masquerade as harmless software or files, tricking users into downloading or executing them. Once installed, trojans can perform various malicious actions, including stealing sensitive information, providing remote access to attackers, or creating backdoors for future attacks. Practicing caution when downloading or executing files, using reputable security software, and regularly updating software can help protect against trojans.
19. Zero-Day Vulnerabilities Zero-day vulnerabilities refer to software vulnerabilities that are unknown to the software vendor and have no available patches or fixes. Attackers exploit these vulnerabilities before they become publicly known, giving the targeted software’s developers zero days to respond. Zero-day vulnerabilities can be used for various attacks, including malware infections, remote code execution, or unauthorized access. Timely software updates, vulnerability scanning, and intrusion detection systems can assist in mitigating the risk of zero-day attacks.
20. Insider Data Theft Insider data theft occurs when an authorized individual within an organization intentionally steals or leaks sensitive data. This can include intellectual property, customer information, or trade secrets. Insiders with legitimate access can abuse their privileges to gain unauthorized access to confidential information, often with malicious intent or for personal gain. Implementing access controls, monitoring user activities, and educating employees on security policies can help reduce the risk of insider data theft.
21. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Cross-Site Request Forgery is an attack where an attacker tricks a user’s browser into performing unintended actions on a different website without their consent. This is typically done by exploiting the trust placed in a user’s session information or cookies. CSRF attacks can lead to unauthorized actions, such as changing passwords, making fraudulent transactions, or modifying user settings. Preventive measures include utilizing CSRF tokens, validating requests, and implementing secure coding practices.
22. DNS Spoofing DNS Spoofing, also known as DNS cache poisoning, involves manipulating DNS (Domain Name System) responses to redirect users to malicious websites or intercept their communication. By compromising DNS servers or injecting false DNS records, attackers can redirect legitimate requests to malicious servers, leading to phishing attacks, malware downloads, or capturing sensitive information. Employing DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions), secure DNS servers, and monitoring DNS traffic can help mitigate the risk of DNS spoofing.
23. Fileless Malware Fileless malware is a type of malicious software that resides in computer memory without leaving traces on the local file system. It often exploits vulnerabilities in legitimate system tools or processes to carry out malicious activities. Fileless malware can be challenging to detect and remove using traditional antivirus solutions as it operates in memory. Employing behavior-based detection, monitoring system activity, and keeping software up to date can help detect and prevent fileless malware attacks.
24. Supply Chain Attacks Supply chain attacks involve targeting the software or hardware supply chain to compromise trusted products or services. Attackers infiltrate the supply chain process and introduce malicious components or modifications that can be distributed to unsuspecting users. Supply chain attacks can lead to the distribution of infected software, backdoors, or compromised hardware, allowing attackers to gain unauthorized access or control. Conducting due diligence on suppliers, verifying software integrity, and implementing code signing and verification processes can help mitigate supply chain risks.
25. Malvertising Malvertising, or malicious advertising, refers to the delivery of malicious code through online advertisements. Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in ad networks or compromise legitimate ads to redirect users to malicious websites or trigger automatic downloads. Malvertising can lead to malware infections, data theft, or the installation of unwanted software. Employing ad-blockers, keeping software up to date, and exercising caution when clicking on online ads can help mitigate the risk of malvertising.
26. File Encryption Ransomware File encryption ransomware is a specific type of ransomware that encrypts a victim’s files, rendering them inaccessible until a ransom is paid. Attackers often use strong encryption algorithms to make decryption without the encryption key practically impossible. File encryption ransomware can cause significant data loss, financial harm, and disruption to businesses and individuals. Regular backups, robust security measures, and user education are crucial to mitigating the impact of file encryption ransomware.
27. Advanced Malware Persistence Advanced malware persistence techniques refer to methods employed by malware to maintain a long-term presence on infected systems. This can include modifying system settings, hijacking critical processes, or hiding within legitimate system components. Advanced malware persistence allows malware to survive reboots, security scans, or even malware removal attempts. Detecting and removing such malware often requires advanced security tools, constant monitoring, and system hardening measures.
28. IoT (Internet of Things) Vulnerabilities IoT vulnerabilities pertain to security weaknesses in internet-connected devices. These vulnerabilities can allow attackers to compromise IoT devices, gain unauthorized access, or exploit them for malicious purposes. Common IoT vulnerabilities include weak or default passwords, insecure network protocols, and unpatched software. Manufacturers and users of IoT devices should prioritize security best practices, such as changing default passwords, updating firmware, and segmenting IoT devices from critical networks to minimize the risk of IoT-related attacks.
29. Clickjacking Clickjacking, also known as UI redressing or UI overlay, involves deceiving users into clicking on hidden or disguised elements on a web page, which triggers unintended actions or navigates them to malicious websites. Clickjacking can be accomplished by layering transparent or disguised elements over legitimate content, tricking users into interacting with hidden elements without their knowledge. Implementing frame-busting scripts, employing X-Frame-Options headers, and using client-side protection mechanisms can help prevent clickjacking attacks.
30. SIM Card Cloning SIM card cloning involves duplicating a victim’s SIM card to gain unauthorized access to their mobile network services. Attackers can clone SIM cards using specialized hardware or by obtaining the victim’s SIM card information through social engineering or other means. SIM card cloning enables attackers to make calls, send messages, and access mobile data using the victim’s identity. Protecting SIM cards with unique PIN codes, enabling SIM card authentication features, and promptly reporting suspicious activity to mobile service providers can help prevent SIM card cloning.
31. Keyless Car Hacking Keyless car hacking, also known as relay theft, targets vehicles equipped with keyless entry systems. Attackers use relay devices to amplify signals from the car’s key fob, tricking the vehicle into unlocking and starting without physical access to the key. This allows unauthorized individuals to steal the vehicle or its contents. Protecting against keyless car hacking involves using signal-blocking pouches or boxes for key fobs, parking in secure areas, and considering additional security measures like steering wheel locks or vehicle tracking systems.
32. Insider Sabotage Insider sabotage refers to intentional acts by trusted individuals within an organization to disrupt or harm its operations. This can include tampering with systems, deleting critical data, or intentionally introducing vulnerabilities. Insider sabotage can cause financial losses, reputational damage, and disrupt business continuity. Implementing access controls, separation of duties, and employee monitoring can help detect and prevent insider sabotage. Additionally, fostering a positive work environment and addressing employee grievances can reduce the likelihood of insider attacks.
33. DNS Hijacking DNS hijacking involves redirecting users’ DNS queries to malicious servers, leading to unauthorized website access or phishing attacks. Attackers achieve this by compromising DNS servers or modifying DNS settings on users’ devices. DNS hijacking can result in users unknowingly visiting fraudulent websites or entering their credentials on fake login pages. Protecting against DNS hijacking involves using secure DNS services, keeping software up to date, and regularly monitoring DNS settings for unauthorized changes.
34. Voice Phishing (Vishing) Voice phishing, or vishing, is a social engineering technique where attackers use phone calls to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information or performing certain actions. Attackers often impersonate trusted entities, such as banks or government agencies, to gain the victim’s trust. Vishing attacks can lead to identity theft, financial fraud, or unauthorized access to accounts. To prevent vishing, it’s important to verify the caller’s identity, never share sensitive information over the phone unless initiated by you, and report suspicious calls to the appropriate authorities.
35. Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) Malware-as-a-Service refers to the distribution of malware through a subscription or rental model, where attackers provide access to their malware infrastructure and tools to other individuals or groups. This allows less technically skilled individuals to launch malware attacks without developing or maintaining the malware themselves. Malware-as-a-Service can lead to an increase in the number and variety of malware threats. Detecting and preventing such threats requires robust security measures, including up-to-date antivirus software, network monitoring, and user education on safe computing practices.
36. Click Fraud Click fraud involves artificially generating clicks on online advertisements to manipulate advertising networks or increase costs for advertisers. Attackers may use automated scripts, bots, or networks of compromised devices to generate fraudulent clicks. Click fraud can lead to financial losses for advertisers and distort the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Advertisers should monitor ad campaigns for unusual click patterns, employ click fraud detection tools, and report suspected click fraud to ad networks or platforms for investigation.
37. Brute Force Attack A brute force attack is a trial-and-error method used to crack passwords or encryption by systematically trying all possible combinations until the correct one is found. Attackers use automated software or scripts to rapidly attempt different passwords or encryption keys. Brute force attacks can be time-consuming, but weak or easily guessable passwords are particularly susceptible. Implementing strong, complex passwords, using multi-factor authentication, and limiting login attempts can help protect against brute force attacks.
38. Watering Hole Attack A watering hole attack targets a specific group of users by infecting websites that the group is likely to visit. Attackers compromise these websites and inject malicious code, often exploiting vulnerabilities in the website’s software or plugins. When targeted users visit the compromised website, their devices can become infected with malware. Preventing watering hole attacks involves keeping software up to date, using reputable security software, and exercising caution when visiting websites, especially those known to be popular within a specific community or industry.
39. GPS Spoofing GPS spoofing involves manipulating GPS signals to deceive navigation systems or location-based services. Attackers can transmit fake GPS signals to mislead devices into providing incorrect location information or to manipulate the course of a vehicle or vessel. GPS spoofing can have serious consequences, such as misleading navigation systems, disrupting transportation systems, or aiding in criminal activities. Implementing GPS signal authentication and employing advanced anti-spoofing techniques can help mitigate the risks associated with GPS spoofing.
40. Remote Access Trojan (RAT) A Remote Access Trojan is a type of malware that provides unauthorized remote access and control of an infected system. Attackers can use RATs to steal sensitive information, execute commands, or monitor user activities. RATs often enter systems through email attachments, software downloads, or compromised websites. Protecting against RATs involves using reputable security software, keeping software up to date, and exercising caution when opening email attachments or downloading files from untrusted sources.
41. Spyware Spyware is malicious software that secretly monitors user activities, collects sensitive information, and sends it to a remote server without the user’s consent. Spyware can record keystrokes, capture screenshots, monitor web browsing habits, and access personal data. It often enters systems through malicious downloads, software bundling, or deceptive links. Protecting against spyware involves using reputable security software, keeping software up to date, and being cautious when downloading files or clicking on links.
42. Logic Bomb A logic bomb is a piece of malicious code or software that lies dormant until triggered by a specific event or condition. Once triggered, it can perform destructive actions, such as deleting files, modifying data, or launching an attack. Logic bombs are often planted by insiders or attackers who have gained unauthorized access to a system. Protecting against logic bombs requires implementing strong access controls, monitoring system behavior for suspicious activities, and conducting regular security audits.
43. Zero-Click Exploit A zero-click exploit is a type of exploit that targets vulnerabilities in software or devices without requiring any interaction from the user. By exploiting these vulnerabilities, attackers can gain unauthorized access or execute malicious code remotely. Zero-click exploits can be highly dangerous as they can compromise devices silently and without the user’s knowledge. Protecting against zero-click exploits involves keeping software up to date, utilizing security patches, and employing advanced threat detection and prevention systems.
44. USB-Based Threats USB-based threats involve the use of infected USB drives or devices to introduce malware or steal data. Attackers may leave infected USB drives in public places or target specific individuals or organizations. When the infected USB is connected to a computer, the malware is executed, allowing unauthorized access or the installation of malicious software. Protecting against USB-based threats requires exercising caution when inserting unknown USB devices, using reputable antivirus software, and regularly scanning removable media for malware.
45. Crypto-Mining Malware Crypto-mining malware, also known as cryptojacking, is malware that hijacks a victim’s computing resources to mine cryptocurrencies without their consent. The malware consumes system processing power, slows down performance, and increases energy consumption. Crypto-mining malware can enter systems through infected websites, malicious downloads, or phishing emails. Protecting against crypto-mining malware involves using reputable security software, keeping software up to date, and exercising caution when accessing unknown or suspicious websites.
46. AI-Powered Attacks AI-powered attacks leverage artificial intelligence techniques to carry out sophisticated and targeted cyber attacks. These attacks can involve automated evasion of security measures, intelligent phishing attempts, or adaptive malware behavior. AI-powered attacks pose a significant challenge as they can learn and adapt over time. Defending against AI-powered attacks requires employing advanced AI-based security solutions, staying informed about emerging threats, and continuously enhancing security measures and detection capabilities.
47. Password Spraying Password spraying is a technique where attackers use a single commonly used or easily guessable password across multiple accounts or systems. Instead of trying different passwords for a single account, attackers attempt to gain access to multiple accounts by trying the same password against different usernames. This method reduces the risk of triggering account lockouts or detection systems. Protecting against password spraying involves enforcing strong password policies, implementing multi-factor authentication, and monitoring for suspicious login activity.
48. AI-Powered Social Engineering Attacks AI-powered social engineering attacks utilize artificial intelligence to create highly convincing and personalized social engineering attempts. These attacks can involve AI-generated phishing emails, voice or video impersonations, or chatbots mimicking real individuals. AI-powered social engineering attacks aim to deceive users into revealing sensitive information or performing certain actions. Protecting against AI-powered social engineering attacks requires user education, awareness of common tactics, and implementing security controls like spam filters, email authentication protocols, and multi-factor authentication.
49. Insider Intellectual Property Theft Insider intellectual property (IP) theft occurs when authorized individuals within an organization intentionally steal or leak valuable intellectual property, such as patents, trade secrets, or proprietary information. Insiders with access to sensitive information can abuse their privileges to gain unauthorized access or transfer critical IP to external entities. Protecting against insider IP theft involves implementing access controls, monitoring data access and exfiltration, and conducting regular security awareness training for employees.
50. AI-Enhanced Malware AI-enhanced malware utilizes artificial intelligence techniques to enhance its evasion capabilities, adaptability, or obfuscation techniques. AI-enhanced malware can evade traditional security measures, learn from its environment, or generate sophisticated attack vectors. Defending against AI-enhanced malware requires leveraging AI-based security solutions capable of detecting and responding to evolving threats, as well as continuously updating and enhancing security practices.
51. USB Rubber Ducky A USB Rubber Ducky is a type of USB device that appears as a regular flash drive but is programmed to simulate a keyboard and execute predefined commands when plugged into a computer. Attackers can use USB Rubber Duckies to quickly inject malicious commands or scripts into a target system, bypassing some security measures. Protecting against USB Rubber Ducky attacks involves controlling physical access to devices, implementing endpoint protection, and disabling unnecessary USB ports.
52. IoT Botnets IoT botnets are networks of compromised Internet of Things (IoT) devices, controlled by a central attacker or command-and-control server. These botnets leverage the processing power and network connectivity of IoT devices to carry out various malicious activities, such as launching DDoS attacks, spreading malware, or mining cryptocurrencies. Protecting against IoT botnets involves securing IoT devices with strong passwords, regularly updating firmware, and segregating IoT devices from critical networks.
53. Biometric Data Theft Biometric data theft involves unauthorized access or acquisition of individuals’ biometric information, such as fingerprints, facial features, or iris scans. Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in biometric systems or intercept data during transmission to compromise biometric data. Protecting against biometric data theft requires implementing strong encryption protocols, employing secure transmission channels, and implementing multi-factor authentication to add an additional layer of security beyond biometrics.
54. Deepfake Attacks Deepfake attacks involve the use of artificial intelligence techniques to create manipulated or synthetic media, such as videos, images, or audio, that appear authentic but are actually falsified. Deepfakes can be used to spread disinformation, impersonate individuals, or defame others. Detecting and mitigating deepfake attacks require developing advanced detection algorithms, promoting media literacy, and implementing authentication mechanisms to verify the authenticity of media content.
55. Eavesdropping Attacks Eavesdropping attacks involve the interception and monitoring of communication, such as phone calls, text messages, or network traffic, without the knowledge or consent of the involved parties. Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in communication channels, network infrastructure, or wireless protocols to eavesdrop on sensitive information. Protecting against eavesdropping attacks involves using secure communication protocols, employing encryption, and monitoring network traffic for suspicious activities.
56. Virtual Machine Escape Virtual machine escape refers to the exploitation of vulnerabilities within a virtual machine environment to gain unauthorized access or control of the host system. Attackers can break out of the isolated virtual machine environment and execute commands or access resources on the host system. Protecting against virtual machine escape requires regularly patching virtualization software, implementing strong access controls, and monitoring for unusual activities or unauthorized access within virtualized environments.
57. Reverse Engineering Reverse engineering involves analyzing software, hardware, or systems to understand their inner workings, often with the intention of uncovering vulnerabilities or extracting sensitive information. Attackers can reverse engineer software or devices to identify vulnerabilities that can be exploited. Protecting against reverse engineering involves employing obfuscation techniques, using code or hardware protection mechanisms, and applying legal protections to intellectual property.
58. Voice Assistant Exploits Voice assistant exploits involve leveraging vulnerabilities in voice-controlled devices, such as smart speakers or virtual assistants, to gain unauthorized access, extract sensitive information, or perform unintended actions. Attackers can manipulate voice commands, intercept voice recordings, or exploit security weaknesses in voice assistant platforms. Protecting against voice assistant exploits involves keeping voice-controlled devices up to date, securing the Wi-Fi network, and implementing privacy settings and voice recognition authentication where available.
59. DNS Tunneling DNS tunneling is a technique that bypasses traditional network security measures by encapsulating malicious data within DNS requests and responses. Attackers can use DNS tunneling to exfiltrate data from a compromised network or to establish covert communication channels. Protecting against DNS tunneling involves implementing robust DNS security measures, monitoring DNS traffic for anomalies, and utilizing intrusion detection and prevention systems.
60. Supply Chain Compromise Supply chain compromise refers to the compromise of components, software, or services within the supply chain ecosystem. Attackers can infiltrate suppliers, distributors, or third-party providers to introduce malicious code, backdoors, or tampered products. Supply chain compromise can lead to the distribution of compromised software, unauthorized access, or data breaches. Protecting against supply chain compromise involves conducting due diligence on suppliers, implementing security controls throughout the supply chain, and monitoring for suspicious activities or indicators of compromise.
61. AI-Generated Spear Phishing AI-generated spear phishing attacks leverage artificial intelligence techniques to craft highly personalized and convincing phishing emails or messages. These attacks aim to deceive specific individuals or organizations by imitating trusted senders or mimicking communication patterns. AI-generated spear phishing attacks can bypass traditional email filters and target individuals with tailored content. Protecting against AI-generated spear phishing involves user education, implementing email filters, utilizing spam detection techniques, and verifying the authenticity of email senders.
62. Hardware-based Attacks Hardware-based attacks involve exploiting vulnerabilities or weaknesses in computer hardware to gain unauthorized access, extract data, or tamper with systems. These attacks can target components such as CPUs, firmware, or peripheral devices. Hardware-based attacks can be challenging to detect and mitigate as they often require physical access or specialized knowledge. Protecting against hardware-based attacks involves employing trusted hardware components, regularly updating firmware, and implementing physical security measures to protect against unauthorized access to hardware devices.
63. Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks involve intercepting and altering communication between two parties without their knowledge or consent. Attackers position themselves between the victim and the intended destination, allowing them to eavesdrop, manipulate data, or steal sensitive information. MitM attacks can occur in various scenarios, including insecure Wi-Fi networks, compromised routers, or unencrypted connections. Protecting against MitM attacks involves using secure communication protocols, encrypting data in transit, and verifying the authenticity of websites or network connections.
64. Firmware Attacks Firmware attacks target the firmware or low-level software that controls the operation of hardware devices. Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in firmware to gain unauthorized access, execute malicious code, or compromise the integrity of the device. Firmware attacks can be challenging to detect and mitigate as they operate at a lower level than traditional software. Protecting against firmware attacks involves keeping firmware up to date, using reputable firmware sources, and implementing firmware security mechanisms, such as secure boot or firmware integrity checks.
65. Steganography Steganography is the practice of hiding secret information within seemingly innocent files or data, such as images, audio files, or documents. Attackers can use steganography to conceal malicious code, sensitive data, or communication within benign-looking files. Steganography can bypass traditional security measures, making it challenging to detect without specialized tools or techniques. Protecting against steganography involves using steganalysis tools, analyzing file integrity, and implementing network traffic monitoring to identify hidden or suspicious content.
66. Cyber Espionage Cyber espionage involves the unauthorized and covert gathering of sensitive information or intellectual property for political, economic, or military advantage. State-sponsored actors, criminal organizations, or hacktivist groups often carry out cyber espionage. These attacks can target government agencies, corporations, or individuals with access to valuable information. Protecting against cyber espionage requires implementing robust security measures, monitoring for indicators of compromise, and practicing defense-in-depth strategies to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.
67. Data Manipulation Data manipulation involves unauthorized modification or alteration of data for malicious purposes. Attackers may modify data to deceive, mislead, or disrupt systems, processes, or decision-making. Data manipulation can have severe consequences, such as financial losses, reputational damage, or compromising the integrity of critical systems. Protecting against data manipulation involves implementing data integrity controls, restricting access to sensitive data, employing strong encryption, and regularly monitoring and auditing data for unauthorized changes.
68. Social Media Impersonation Social media impersonation involves creating fake accounts or profiles on social media platforms to impersonate individuals, organizations, or brands. Attackers use these fake accounts to spread misinformation, engage in social engineering, or conduct phishing campaigns. Social media impersonation can damage reputations, deceive users, or extract sensitive information. Protecting against social media impersonation involves monitoring for fake accounts, reporting impersonation attempts, and educating users about safe social media practices and privacy settings.
69. Memory Scraping Memory scraping is a technique used by attackers to extract sensitive information, such as credit card data or login credentials, from computer memory. Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in applications or operating systems to search and retrieve valuable data from RAM. Memory scraping can occur during payment processing, online transactions, or when sensitive data is temporarily stored in memory. Protecting against memory scraping involves using secure coding practices, encrypting sensitive data, and regularly patching applications and operating systems to address vulnerabilities.
70. AI-Generated Malware AI-generated malware involves the use of artificial intelligence techniques to create and modify malware to evade detection, adapt to security measures, or increase its malicious capabilities. AI-generated malware can learn from its environment, evade antivirus software, or create polymorphic variants. Defending against AI-generated malware requires leveraging AI-based security solutions capable of detecting evolving threats, using behavior-based analysis, and employing threat intelligence to stay ahead of emerging malware techniques.
71. Cyber Physical Attacks Cyber physical attacks target the control systems, devices, or infrastructure that govern physical processes, such as industrial systems, critical infrastructure, or smart cities. These attacks aim to disrupt or manipulate physical operations through cyber means, potentially leading to physical damage, safety risks, or service disruption. Protecting against cyber physical attacks requires securing control systems, implementing strong access controls, conducting regular security assessments, and monitoring for anomalous activities that could impact physical operations.
72. Automated Exploit Generation Automated exploit generation involves the use of automated tools or scripts to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in software or systems. These tools scan for known vulnerabilities and automatically generate exploit code to target the identified weaknesses. Automated exploit generation can accelerate the process of launching attacks and increase their scale. Defending against automated exploit generation requires patching vulnerabilities promptly, implementing intrusion detection and prevention systems, and continuously monitoring for emerging exploits and vulnerabilities.
73. Blockchain Exploits Blockchain exploits target vulnerabilities or weaknesses in blockchain technology, which is used for decentralized and secure transactions. Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in blockchain protocols, smart contracts, or the underlying infrastructure to compromise blockchain systems, manipulate transactions, or steal digital assets. Protecting against blockchain exploits involves conducting rigorous code audits, implementing strong access controls, employing consensus mechanisms, and utilizing security-focused blockchain solutions.
74. Physical Access Compromise Physical access compromise involves unauthorized physical access to systems, devices, or sensitive areas of an organization. Attackers with physical access can tamper with systems, install malicious hardware or software, or bypass security controls. Protecting against physical access compromise requires implementing physical security measures, controlling access to sensitive areas, monitoring surveillance systems, and ensuring proper disposal of devices or media containing sensitive information.
75. QR Code Exploits QR code exploits involve the use of malicious QR codes to trick users into scanning them, leading to unauthorized actions or compromising their devices. Attackers can create QR codes that redirect users to malicious websites, download malware, or perform unintended actions. Protecting against QR code exploits involves exercising caution when scanning QR codes from unknown or untrusted sources, using QR code scanners with built-in security features, and keeping devices up to date with the latest security patches.
76. Voice Recognition Spoofing Voice recognition spoofing involves fooling voice recognition systems or virtual assistants by mimicking or replaying recorded voices. Attackers can use pre-recorded audio or synthetic voice generation techniques to bypass voice authentication or gain unauthorized access to voice-controlled devices. Protecting against voice recognition spoofing requires implementing robust voice authentication methods, utilizing anti-spoofing techniques, and regularly updating voice recognition systems with improved security features.
77. Stealthy Cryptocurrency Mining Stealthy cryptocurrency mining, also known as cryptojacking, involves hijacking computing resources to mine cryptocurrencies without the user’s consent. Attackers deploy malware or scripts that utilize the victim’s processing power to mine cryptocurrencies, resulting in increased energy consumption and reduced system performance. Protecting against stealthy cryptocurrency mining involves using reputable security software, regularly scanning for malware, and employing web filtering or script-blocking solutions to detect and block cryptojacking attempts.
78. Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) Vulnerabilities Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) vulnerabilities refer to security weaknesses in the code or configuration files used to define and manage infrastructure in a software-defined environment. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access, modify infrastructure components, or compromise the integrity of the infrastructure. Protecting against IaC vulnerabilities involves conducting code reviews, using secure coding practices, implementing access controls, and regularly auditing and validating infrastructure configurations.
79. Side-Channel Attacks Side-channel attacks target the information leaked through physical characteristics, timing, or power consumption of a system during its operation. Attackers can analyze these side-channel signals to extract sensitive information, such as encryption keys or data patterns. Side-channel attacks can be challenging to detect as they do not rely on exploiting software or system vulnerabilities directly. Protecting against side-channel attacks involves implementing countermeasures, such as cryptographic algorithms resistant to side-channel attacks, physical isolation, and reducing information leakage through proper system design and implementation.
80. Rogue Access Points Rogue access points are unauthorized wireless access points that are deployed within a network to trick users into connecting to them instead of legitimate access points. Attackers can use rogue access points to intercept network traffic, perform man-in-the-middle attacks, or steal sensitive information. Protecting against rogue access points involves regularly scanning for unauthorized access points, implementing strong Wi-Fi security measures, and educating users about the risks of connecting to unknown or untrusted networks.
81. Bluetooth Exploits Bluetooth exploits involve the exploitation of vulnerabilities or weaknesses in Bluetooth technology to gain unauthorized access, perform data exfiltration, or launch attacks against devices. Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in Bluetooth protocols or take advantage of weak security configurations to compromise devices or intercept Bluetooth communications. Protecting against Bluetooth exploits requires keeping Bluetooth firmware and software up to date, disabling unnecessary Bluetooth functionality, and implementing strong authentication and encryption measures when using Bluetooth connections.
82. Password Sniffing Password sniffing refers to the unauthorized capturing and recording of passwords or authentication credentials as they traverse a network. Attackers can use network sniffing tools or techniques to intercept and extract sensitive information, such as login credentials, from network traffic. Protecting against password sniffing involves using encrypted communication protocols (such as HTTPS), implementing network segmentation, and using strong encryption for sensitive data. Additionally, multi-factor authentication and regularly changing passwords can reduce the impact of compromised credentials.
83. IoT Firmware Vulnerabilities IoT firmware vulnerabilities are security weaknesses present in the firmware or software running on IoT devices. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access, compromise device functionality, or use IoT devices as entry points into a network. Protecting against IoT firmware vulnerabilities involves keeping IoT devices up to date with the latest firmware releases, implementing strong authentication mechanisms, and segregating IoT devices from critical networks. Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments are also essential for identifying and addressing potential firmware vulnerabilities in IoT devices.
84. Identity Theft Identity theft involves the unauthorized use of someone’s personal information, such as their name, social security number, or financial details, for fraudulent purposes. Attackers can steal identities through various means, including phishing, data breaches, or social engineering. Identity theft can result in financial losses, reputational damage, and legal consequences for the victims. Protecting against identity theft involves using strong, unique passwords, enabling multi-factor authentication, regularly monitoring financial and personal accounts for suspicious activities, and being cautious when sharing personal information online or offline.
85. Voice Assistant Eavesdropping Voice assistant eavesdropping refers to unauthorized access or interception of voice assistant conversations or recordings. Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in voice assistant platforms or devices to eavesdrop on conversations, collect sensitive information, or gain unauthorized access to connected services. Protecting against voice assistant eavesdropping involves reviewing and adjusting privacy settings, disabling unnecessary features, and using voice assistant devices from reputable manufacturers that prioritize security and privacy. Additionally, being mindful of the environment and potential risks associated with voice assistant usage can help mitigate eavesdropping threats.
86. DDoS Attacks Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks involve overwhelming a target system, network, or website with a massive volume of traffic, rendering it inaccessible to legitimate users. Attackers often use botnets, compromised devices, or amplification techniques to generate a significant amount of traffic directed towards the target. Protecting against DDoS attacks involves implementing DDoS mitigation strategies, such as traffic filtering, rate limiting, or deploying DDoS protection services. Network monitoring, traffic analysis, and incident response plans are essential for detecting and mitigating DDoS attacks effectively.
87. Fake Mobile Apps Fake mobile apps are malicious applications designed to imitate legitimate and popular apps but contain malware or conduct fraudulent activities. Attackers distribute these apps through unofficial app stores or by exploiting vulnerabilities in app distribution channels. Fake mobile apps can compromise user data, steal financial information, or perform unauthorized actions. Protecting against fake mobile apps involves downloading apps from official app stores, reading reviews and ratings, and being cautious of apps requesting excessive permissions or exhibiting suspicious behavior. Mobile security solutions and app reputation services can also help detect and prevent the installation of fake mobile apps.
88. Web Application Vulnerabilities Web application vulnerabilities refer to security weaknesses present in web applications that can be exploited by attackers. Common web application vulnerabilities include cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and remote code execution. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access, steal sensitive data, or compromise the integrity of web applications. Protecting against web application vulnerabilities involves implementing secure coding practices, conducting regular security assessments and penetration testing, and using web application firewalls (WAFs) to filter and block malicious traffic.
89. Cyberstalking Cyberstalking involves the persistent and unwanted harassment or stalking of individuals using digital communication channels. Cyberstalkers may use various methods, such as sending threatening messages, monitoring online activities, or spreading false information. Cyberstalking can cause significant emotional distress, invade privacy, and impact personal and professional lives. Protecting against cyberstalking involves practicing online privacy measures, being cautious about sharing personal information, using strong privacy settings on social media platforms, and promptly reporting incidents to the appropriate authorities or online platforms.
90. Malvertising Malvertising refers to the dissemination of malicious advertisements that contain hidden malware or redirect users to malicious websites. Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in ad networks or use social engineering techniques to trick users into clicking on malicious ads. Malvertising can lead to the installation of malware, data breaches, or unauthorized access to systems. Protecting against malvertising involves using ad blockers, keeping web browsers and plugins up to date, and exercising caution when clicking on online advertisements, especially from untrusted sources or unfamiliar websites.
91. Watering Hole Attacks Watering hole attacks target websites or online platforms that are likely to be visited by a specific group of individuals or organizations. Attackers compromise these websites and inject malicious code or malware, aiming to infect the visitors’ devices and gain unauthorized access to their systems or steal sensitive information. Protecting against watering hole attacks involves using website security measures, keeping software up to date, and employing network segmentation to isolate critical systems from potential compromises. Regular website monitoring and security audits are also essential to detect and respond to potential watering hole attacks.
92. Credential Stuffing Credential stuffing is a technique in which attackers use automated tools to attempt login credentials obtained from data breaches on multiple websites and services. Attackers rely on the fact that many individuals reuse passwords across different accounts. Credential stuffing attacks can lead to unauthorized account access, identity theft, or financial fraud. Protecting against credential stuffing involves using strong, unique passwords for each account, implementing multi-factor authentication, and monitoring for suspicious login activities. Organizations should also employ account lockout mechanisms and detection systems to detect and block credential stuffing attempts.
93. Zero-Day Exploits Zero-day exploits are vulnerabilities or software weaknesses that are unknown to the software vendor or the public. Attackers exploit these vulnerabilities before a patch or security update is available, making it challenging to defend against such attacks. Zero-day exploits can lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, or the installation of malware. Protecting against zero-day exploits involves promptly applying security patches and updates, using advanced threat detection systems, and practicing defense-in-depth strategies to minimize the impact of potential zero-day vulnerabilities.
94. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Skimming RFID skimming involves unauthorized reading or intercepting of information from RFID tags or cards. Attackers use specialized devices to capture RFID signals emitted by cards or passports and extract sensitive information, such as credit card details or passport data. Protecting against RFID skimming involves using RFID-blocking sleeves or wallets, minimizing the use of RFID technology when not necessary, and being cautious when sharing personal or financial information with RFID-enabled cards or passports.
95. Insider Threats Insider threats refer to risks posed by individuals within an organization who misuse their authorized access privileges to cause harm, steal data, or compromise systems. Insider threats can be intentional or unintentional and may result from disgruntled employees, negligent actions, or compromised accounts. Protecting against insider threats requires implementing strong access controls, monitoring user activities, conducting security awareness training, and implementing measures to detect and respond to suspicious behavior or data exfiltration.
96. Fileless Malware Fileless malware is a type of malware that operates in memory without leaving traditional file traces on a compromised system. Attackers use fileless malware to evade detection by traditional antivirus software and carry out malicious activities, such as data theft, credential harvesting, or launching further attacks. Protecting against fileless malware involves using advanced endpoint protection solutions capable of detecting and mitigating fileless threats, implementing least privilege principles, and monitoring system memory and network traffic for anomalous activities.
97. Distributed Hash Cracking Distributed hash cracking involves leveraging the computational power of multiple systems or devices to crack password hashes efficiently. Attackers use distributed computing techniques or botnets to perform high-speed password cracking, potentially compromising user accounts or sensitive data. Protecting against distributed hash cracking involves using strong, complex passwords, implementing salting and hashing algorithms that resist cracking attempts, and regularly updating password hashing methods to keep up with advancements in hash cracking technologies.
98. Cryptocurrency Exchange Hacks Cryptocurrency exchange hacks involve unauthorized access to cryptocurrency exchange platforms, resulting in the theft of digital assets or funds. Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in exchange systems, social engineering techniques, or compromised user accounts to carry out these attacks. Protecting against cryptocurrency exchange hacks involves implementing strong security measures, employing multi-factor authentication, storing cryptocurrencies in secure wallets, regularly updating exchange software, and conducting security audits to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.
99. Data Exfiltration Data exfiltration refers to the unauthorized extraction or theft of sensitive data from a network or system. Attackers use various techniques, such as malware, compromised accounts, or covert channels, to exfiltrate data and transfer it to an external location or unauthorized recipient. Protecting against data exfiltration involves implementing robust data loss prevention (DLP) measures, network traffic monitoring, encrypting sensitive data, and implementing strict access controls to prevent unauthorized data access. Regular security assessments and incident response plans are crucial for detecting and responding to data exfiltration attempts.
100. Phishing Attacks Phishing attacks are social engineering attacks that aim to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords, financial details, or login credentials, by impersonating trusted entities or creating a sense of urgency. Phishing attacks can occur through email, phone calls, text messages, or malicious websites. Protecting against phishing attacks involves user education, implementing email filters and spam detection mechanisms, verifying the authenticity of websites or communication channels, and being cautious of sharing sensitive information without proper verification. Regular security awareness training and phishing simulations can also help individuals recognize and mitigate phishing threats effectively.
By Ephatech

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