How to Add SEO Keywords to your Blog 2023

how to add seo keywords in blogger

How to add SEO keywords in blogger. The words you use in your site content have a major impact on how people find you even though Squarespace includes several built-in capabilities that make your site better for search engines. The ease with which one can conduct a search on the internet. You must include keywords (text) on your site that match the search terms that visitors use to locate your site in order to score well in search results. This helps search engines consider your site as relevant to the people who seek such topics by strategically utilizing these keywords.

Using this article, you’ll learn how to create and improve your site’s keyword list.

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Types of search terms

Keywords can be divided into two groups:

  • Short, high-volume keywords like “photography,” “shoes,” and “pottery” come to mind. They’re more challenging to the position because they’re aimed at a wide range of people.
  • Women’s red shoes, engagement photography n.y.c., and ceramic vases are examples of long-tail search keywords that are more descriptive and include multiple words. They are more focused on a narrower range of queries and are therefore easier to sort.

Step 1: Choose a proposal at random from the provided list.

Make a list of keywords visitors might use to find your site. This is just the beginning. In the next phase, you’ll refine your list even further.

how to add seo keywords in blogger

A few things to think about:

  • Consider your target audience when creating your recipient list. What are they looking for? What are their issues? Ask friends and coworkers what they would type into a search engine if they were seeking your material or services, for example.
  • Add a few words to describe each product or service that you offer. Even if you don’t sell anything, your website still serves as a product for those that view it. Information on parrots, for instance.
  • Your Business: The name of your company, the industry you work in, and the abilities you possess are all good examples of descriptive words to include in your word cloud.
  • Competitors: Check out the websites of your direct rivals. How do they express themselves? What are the words they try to stay away from? When you conduct a search on their websites, what keywords do you use?
  • Take a look at alternative ways to express the words in your list. As an example, July 4, July 4, July 4, and July 4 are all distinct terms.
  • The following words are also relevant: Search for the terms you’ve come across on Google to see what comes up. Add them to the list if they are relevant to your website.

The built-in tools can help you find out the terms your visitors are searching for.

  • Use the Search Keywords section to check what terms already bring visitors your way.
  • To find out what your site’s users are looking for, use Site Search Keyword Analytics.

Step 2: Refine the list.

Prioritize your list of keywords based on the one you produced in Step 1. In general, you’re looking for the following keywords:.

  • Large enough to be noticed.
  • Specifically, you can go to the top of the search results page.
  • Suitable for usage on your site and can be utilized to develop useful material and enhance the user experience.

A few things to think about:

  • Its breadth, frequency of use in searches, and the number of competing sites all go towards determining a keyword’s “difficulty.” In order to get the most out of your search engine optimization, it is a good idea to combine challenging keywords with simple ones. The Google Ads Keyword Planner is an excellent place to start.
  • Make sure your keywords are relevant and have a lot of search volume before adding them to your site.
  • Your site may be more successful if you stay with keywords that are already performing effectively. In the Search Keywords panel, you may see them.
  • If your company name isn’t showing up in search results, you may want to focus on this keyword.

Step 3: Include keywords in your site’s meta description.

Search engines keep track of the places on your site where keywords appear, and they give more weight to those than others. In terms of importance, these are some good places to include your keywords:

  • The URL of the website
  • URL of the website
  • Slugs for web page URLs
  • Title for search engine optimization and title for web page
  • The SEO Site, Page, and Item Descriptions
  • The top of the page (eg Header 1, Header 2, Header 3)
  • Text’s main body
  • Types
  • Annotated image captions (AEOs) and titles for various types of images
  • The names of the files as well as the images
  • Text that is not visible to the naked eye

These sections aren’t directly related to search engine results, but they do contribute in other ways:

  • Include powerful keywords in the meta-description meta-text that may display underneath the site title in the search results.
  • Using tags helps users find what they’re looking for on your website.

Step 4: Examine the outcomes.

Changing your website’s search engine rankings may take some time.

  • There’s no way we can dictate how often search engines crawl your site. To help Google and Bing find your new content, you can request indexing from these search engines.
  • Rankings may take some time to alter after implementing new content. Keywords are merely a small part of what determines a site’s rating.

For a long-term look at whether your keyword approach is working:

Analytical Tools for Your Website – Google Analytics and other analytics panels, such as the Activity Log and Traffic Log, can let you see how changes to a site’s content affect its SEO.

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Researching Keywords

Keyword research is an essential part of the process of adding SEO keywords to a blog. Keywords play a crucial role in helping search engines understand the content of a blog and in determining the relevance of a blog to a user’s search query. Effective keyword research involves finding keywords that are relevant to the blog’s topic and target audience.

There are several techniques that can be used to research keywords, including the use of Google Keyword Planner and competitor analysis. Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that allows users to research keywords and see data on search volume and competition. Competitor analysis involves looking at the keywords used by competitors in the same niche to identify keywords that might be relevant to a blog.

When researching keywords, it’s important to find keywords that are relevant to the blog’s topic and target audience. This will ensure that the blog is appearing in front of the right people and that the keywords used are helping to drive traffic to the blog. It’s also important to find keywords that are not too competitive so that the blog has a better chance of ranking well in search engine results.

By conducting effective keyword research, a blog will be better positioned to attract traffic and increase search engine rankings. Keyword research is a crucial step in the process of adding SEO keywords to a blog, and should not be overlooked.

Incorporating Keywords into the Blog

Once the keywords have been researched, the next step is to incorporate them into the blog in a meaningful and organic way. There are several areas of a blog where keywords can be added, including the title, meta description, URL, header tags, and body text.

When adding keywords to the title, it’s important to make sure that the title accurately reflects the content of the blog and includes the main keyword for the post. The meta description is a short description that appears under the title in search engine results and should also include the main keyword and provide a clear and concise summary of the blog’s content. The URL should be concise and include the main keyword, if possible.

Header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) are used to break up the content into sections and provide structure to the blog. They should also include the main keyword and relevant variations, if appropriate. The body text should include the main keyword and related keywords in a natural and organic manner, without keyword stuffing.

It’s important to use keywords in a meaningful way and to avoid keyword stuffing, which is the practice of overusing keywords in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings. This is a black hat SEO technique that can actually harm search engine rankings and should be avoided.

By adding keywords to the various areas of a blog in a natural and organic way, the blog will be better positioned to rank well in search engine results and attract more traffic. Incorporating keywords into the blog is a crucial step in the process of optimizing the blog for SEO.

Optimizing Keyword Density

Keyword density refers to the number of times a keyword appears in relation to the total number of words on a page. It’s an important factor in determining the relevance of a page to a specific keyword and in optimizing a page for search engines.

The optimal keyword density for SEO purposes is usually considered to be between 1% and 2% of the total number of words on a page. However, the exact keyword density can vary depending on the nature of the content and the keyword used. Keyword density can be measured using a variety of tools, including online keyword density calculators.

It’s important to strike a balance between having enough keyword density to indicate relevance to search engines and avoiding keyword stuffing, which can result in penalties from search engines. If the keyword density is too low, it may indicate that the content is not relevant enough to the keyword, while if it’s too high, it may indicate that the content is artificially optimized and may result in penalties from search engines.

By optimizing keyword density, a blog can ensure that it is effectively communicating its relevance to search engines and that it is more likely to rank well in search engine results. Regular monitoring of keyword density and making adjustments as needed is an important part of the process of optimizing a blog for SEO.

Monitoring and Adjusting Keyword Strategy

Optimizing a blog for SEO requires ongoing monitoring and adjustment of the keyword strategy. As search algorithms change and the competition evolves, the keywords that are most effective for driving traffic to a blog may also change.

Regular monitoring of keyword rankings and traffic patterns can help to identify changes in the effectiveness of the keyword strategy. If a blog’s traffic is decreasing or its keyword rankings are slipping, it may be necessary to adjust the keyword strategy to include new or different keywords.

The process of adjusting the keyword strategy may involve changing the keywords used in the blog, incorporating new keywords into the blog, or adjusting the keyword density. It may also involve adjusting other elements of the blog’s SEO strategy, such as the meta description or header tags.

By monitoring and adjusting the keyword strategy on a regular basis, a blog can ensure that it is effectively attracting traffic and ranking well in search engine results. Regular monitoring and adjustment of the keyword strategy is an important part of the process of optimizing a blog for SEO.


Adding SEO keywords to a blog is a crucial step in optimizing the blog for search engines and attracting more traffic. By researching relevant keywords, incorporating them into the blog in a meaningful and organic way, optimizing keyword density, and regularly monitoring and adjusting the keyword strategy, a blog can effectively communicate its relevance to search engines and rank well in search engine results.

The process of optimizing a blog for SEO can be complex and may require the use of various tools and techniques, but the rewards can be substantial. By attracting more traffic and ranking well in search engine results, a blog can reach a wider audience, build its brand, and ultimately achieve its goals.

PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising is a form of paid search. These ads can be identified as such by their placement at the top of search results on search engines like Google.

Despite the fact that they can increase visitors to your website, they have no effect on its search engine optimization (SEO). Optimizing your site for search engine rankings even if you are using paid advertising is still a good idea.

In conclusion, adding SEO keywords to a blog is an essential part of the process of optimizing the blog for search engines and achieving success as a blogger. By following best practices and regularly monitoring and adjusting the keyword strategy, a blog can effectively communicate its relevance to search engines and attract more traffic.

By James Kandu

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