The Ultimate Guide On What To Post On Your Company Blog

The Ultimate Guide On What To Post On Your Company Blog

So, you as a founder decided to run a corporate blog. Great! Today we will discuss The Ultimate Guide On What To Post On Your Company Blog. This is a win-win solution in today’s situation when high-quality content is valued like Bitcoin. For sure, there is something to say to your audience, but at the very beginning of the blogging journey, a common question arises: where to start? What to write? What content is most profitable to produce?

Let’s figure it out.


Why should you keep developing a corporate blog?

There are three main reasons:

  • Blog builds trust

The issue of trust is always relevant for companies, regardless of the market in which they launch their product. Those who enter the international arena face the great wariness of the foreign public. A corporate blog is a great opportunity to win over an audience. 81% of users trust the information they get from blogs, and more than 90% find it useful.

One way or another, a serious lifestyle plus expert content and a solid approach to design contribute to increasing interest and building trust in the audience.

  • Blogging is a great way to drive traffic and improve your SEO

Thoughtful content marketing triggers amazing results. With a blog, a company is 434% more likely to rank higher in search engines and outperform competitors. Ranking at the top of search queries is extremely important for businesses because the majority of users follow the first few links only.

To do this, you need to blog correctly: publish new content regularly, select the optimal keywords, and write on topics of current interest.

  • Blogs boost business performance

Corporate blogs are especially effective for small businesses: companies that develop their own media receive an average of 126% more leads than competitors. In text format, you can better tell how the product works, and dispel the fears and doubts of the audience. This is especially true for startups that create technically complex solutions – it is very difficult to describe their work and highlight all the strengths in a promotional or advertising format.

What to post on a corporate blog?

Let’s conditionally divide content into three main areas: text, video, and visual content, and talk about the best formats from each category.

1. Text content

Many companies claim that the most successful form of corporate blog content is educational content. By interestingly carrying useful and competent information, you are sure to build trust with your customers.

Let’s see what format you can choose:

  • Do all sorts of instructions. Answer the “how” question in an interesting way. “How to localize an app?”, “How to attract users to your website?”, “How to delve into blogging?” – such tutorials with step-by-step instructions are always in great demand.
  • Make guides for those who are not yet very versed in your topic. Remember that the client doesn’t need to be an expert in your industry. Discuss the fundamentals of your job in an approachable and courteous manner.
  • FAQ. A great way not only to save your support team from unnecessary workload but also to optimize your site for certain requests.
  • Interview. First-hand information from company members or industry influencers is perceived as reliable as possible.
  • Trends and industry reviews. People need to see that you are growing and adapting to the times. It will also elevate you to the status of expert in your area.
  • Reviews of your products. An obvious format, which many people forget about, believing that the product page on the site is enough. But the more you talk about your product, the more likely it is to be sold.
  • Destroy the myths that may reign in your industry, conduct an experiment, and fix the result. Such “live” articles will definitely not be passed by your readers.
  • Clients’ stories. Someone else’s experience is always a reliable base for future lead generation.

There can be a huge variety of genres, the main thing is not to get hung up on one thing and remember that a company blog is a “live” mechanism that can change. But always keep your articles friendly, expert, and optimized. And don’t forget to check your grammar!

2. Videos

The main goal of video content is to raise awareness of the brand/company. Moreover, dynamic content tells something that others don’t know, entertains, and builds an emotional connection.

So what to shoot?

  • Again, tutorial videos and guides. If we don’t know something, then we go straight to the network for answers. And watching a visual video is always easier than reading.
  • Video presentations. This is a video about a new, unique product, designed to reveal all its benefits. Video presentations allow you to demonstrate exactly how a new product eliminates the customer’s pains and sets itself apart from competitors.
  • Video reviews. In the video review, the product appears in all details and details (functionality, properties, methods of application, dimensions, etc.). It is possible to survey both something material, and non-material. For example, software. But for this, you will need to master one more tool – a screen recorder.
  • Interview. This is a great way to show that you are willing to learn from other people to improve your services and products, or to reimagine your experience with experts from other industries.
  • Lifehacks. Lifehacks are a subspecies of training videos. In such videos, small tips are usually given that simplify life.
  • Listings. You can record a selection of your products to increase sales by putting something expensive in the first place so that the last positions also have a chance. Or record a selection on a topic that will help sell your services indirectly.
  • Entertainment clips. Entertainment content is king today. If you shoot a video with unexpected characters or a dénouement and launch a viral advertising campaign, it can bring in millions of views and increase brand awareness.

Stock up on good light, sound recording equipment, and master video editors, and go ahead to cool videos!

3. Visual content

As a rule, visual content accompanies textual one, but you can also post it independently.

  • UGC – the content created by a brand’s audience. It is aimed at getting the greatest possible return from users, involving them in communication with the brand. It is worth launching when the audience is already active.
  • Interactive. These are one-time games/puzzles/riddles that allow you to quickly get a lot of comments. Engagement should start with them, accustoming users to write comments and communicate with each other.
  • Infographics. In infographic format, show what the company stands out for or is proud of, and explain why it matters to the customer.
  • Memes. There is no need to explain anything, everyone loves to laugh.

The Ultimate Guide On What To Post On Your Company Blog: Final words

A corporate blog differs from a personal blog in that each article should be connected to your business area and solve a specific problem of users. Give them the maximum benefit! The formats we discussed before can help you vary your posts. For example, today you can write a post-review of your product, tomorrow – your client’s story, and in three days – post a meme.

All in all, be prepared and create a content strategy! This will serve as your road map to keep you on track. Do you remember that a blog, too, should have a purpose and a strategy?

By James Kandu

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